unbreakable will meaning in English
- Several creature spells that silenced players are now properly flagged as silence effects , which will allow talents such as unbreakable will to provide a higher chance to resist the effects
部分生物的禁言技能现在正是标明为禁言效果,这样一来可以让类似无法中断施法的天赋技能有较高的机率避免中招 - Several creature spells that silenced players are now properly flagged as silence effects , which will allow talents such as unbreakable will to provide a higher chance to resist the effects
一些生物带沉默效果的法术现在被看作沉默效果,对沉默效果有作用的天赋将提高对它的抗性(好象举的是牧师的一个天赋不知道中文叫什么- - ! )